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Monk Studio Engine

This is an Audio Engine for a university project

Monk Studio

Monk Studio is an engine under development as the “Engine Development” subject project for the CITM in Video Game Design and Devolpment degree.

Monk Studio is a fast C++ 3D game engine, focused on the Audio part of the engine.

Collaboration with Rangar Engine

For this assignment and last deploy, we, the team of Monk Studio have forked from Rangar Engine pre-last release and implemented an Audio system. Ragnar Engine GitHub repository


The purpose of this project is to create a friendly-user, well optimized Game Engine for the subject “VideoGame Engines” from the 3rd year. The short term plan is to implement the basic features of a Game Engine, such as loading models, working in a 3D environment, etc…

More specifically, we want to develop a good Audio engine, capable of loading audios, edit multiple parameters and create effects with them.


This engine was made by:


The installation is pretty straight-forward and easy, just go into the releases tab, and download the latest version. The download files include an exe and you just have to execute it to use our engine.

Careful: You can edit the config file to modify some properties like the window and everything, but they come with an optimal configuration already.



Audio Demo: image




User Interface

The menus are also very straight-forward, you can navigate through them and have multiple options for the engine itself, there are many options, so it’s highly encouraged to test everything to understand the interface, but keep in mind the following:


Copyright (c) Pol Vázquez, Himar Bravo and Marc Pavon. License Under the MIT License.